
In the press: DER HAMBURGER

The new issue of Der Hamburger is out at the newsstands now and features a very nice portrait of me, written by Jörg Fingerhut, with photos by Julia Schwendner (ThisIsJulia Photography). Besides of course many other great stories from and about the beautiful city of Hamburg.

Trophy for HANS Award - der Hamburger Musikpreis

The "Diamond Cassette Player" - woodcut, painting and sculpture combined for the 2016 HANS Music Award-Trophy.

I had the honor to create this year's trophy for the music award HANS der Hamburger Musikpreis. It is an annual award, each year the organizers invite an artist to create a unique trophy. The only prerequisite: the rectangle and 3-dimensional format. The trophies will not be reproduced but are originals for each category. A big job when you have to create 11 trophies ... but a beautiful one as well. I had lots of fun coming up with my very own version of a classic cassette player ... the Alex Diamond Portable Tape Recorder! 

Just thinking about who now has an original Diamond on their trophy shelve at home makes me feel very proud! The winners: Beginner (they won in three categories), Music Icon and Legend Udo LindenbergHaiyti aka Robbery, Johannes OerdingFARHOT and Folkert Koopmans. (Hope it's not just going to be firewood ...)

Thank you Uriz Von Oertzen and your team for the support and to show host Lukas Nimscheck for the nice interview on the historic music stage at the Markthalle Hamburg!

Below are some images and a short video - as I was also given the opportunity to talk about the work live on stage at the event (in german). 



Now on youtube: clubkinder artist talk at heliumcowboy

Im ersten Teil unserer neuen Reihe spricht der Hamburger Künstler Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond über sich und seine Arbeit. Als Urgestein der Hamburger Kunstszene teilt er seine Beobachtungen und Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Situation der Kunst und des Kunstmarktes in Hamburg mit uns. Durch den Abend führen der Clubkinder e.V.

In case you missed it live at the heliumcowboy gallery or on TV last Sunday - here's the full video from the clubkinder artist talk with me, which was held on January 22 at our gallery. I was interviewed by Jannes Vahl, founder of the social organization clubkinder e.V., which supports social projects in Hamburg. Jörg donated one of his trademark Alex Diamond-photodrawings (see here), which was auctioned for the benefit of Sport ohne Grenzen e.V., a youth basketball project in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.

Here is part 2 with the Q&A by the auditorium: 

The artist talk is a new program at heliumcowboy. Together with clubkinder e.V. and TIDE TV, we will hold regular artist talks at our space that are beeing screened on TV and streamed online.

Alex Diamond on Artvergnuegen.com

artvergnuegen.com is a new online gallery that was launched just recently. I am honored to be one of the first artists the curators invited for this project, and you can find a long interview and a video feature alongside some of my artwork for sale (exclusively) on the site

Other artists already on artvergnuegen.de include the likes of Dave the Chimp and Various & Gold, and I have already learned from exciting other names that will be integrated shortly.


Photos & Video © artvergnuegen.de

In the press: Feature in MB! Magazine & IGNANT

Freshly online: Two features with insights into my studio and my art. Photo by Lukasz Wolejko-Wolejszo

Freshly online: Two features with insights into my studio and my art. Photo by Lukasz Wolejko-Wolejszo

"A prime mover in Hamburg’s art scene, Jörg Heikhaus remains remarkably down-to-earth. We join the artist, gallery owner and dad for a day in his city to find out more about his unusual practice, his mysterious alter ego, Alex Diamond, and the much-loved heliumcowboy exhibition space."

Great feature about me, my life and my art. And a great way to finding out what's up with heliumcowboy. Plus beautiful studio and Hamburg impressions by photographer Lukasz Wolejko-Wolejszo!

Continue reading here: mb! Magazine (by Mercedes Benz) or here: IGNANT